Mobile App Development for iOS
Notes Topics Weekly Resources Graded work Professor Code examplesIn an app’s workflow or usage flow, how can you get the attention of the user? Maybe you want to tell them or warn them about something. Or, maybe you want to ask a question and get an answer from the user.
The solution is to use an alert or an action sheet.
An alert is a rectangle that appears (i.e. pops up) in the center of the screen. Read more about alerts.
An action sheet is a rectangle that slides up from the bottom of the screen. Read more about action sheets.
Learn how to implement them here.
Study this code example:
This topic is the first to feature a programmatically-created view. Up until now, we have used the storyboard to define and configure content for the screen.
As you will learn:
Both alerts and action sheets are modal views. What does that mean?
It means that the view interrupts the workflow or usage flow in an app, and requires the user to interact with the alert or action sheet. The area outside the alert or action sheet is dimmed, and unavailable for interaction. (The exception to this rule is that when an action sheet is displayed, tapping outside the action sheet area is considered to be the action sheet’s “cancel” action, if one is configured.)
We start this coverage by acknowledging that every student has had some past experience with closures, likely in JavaScript and C++ lambdas.
As you would expect, Swift has closures too.
In alerts and action sheets, each button/choice action must have a function. Therefore, you must learn Swift’s syntax for writing this function. Here it is - it is the curly-brace block that is the value of the handler
let defaultAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Confirm", style: .default, handler: { (alert) in
let msg = "Alert, default was tapped"
self.alertResult.text = msg
The important part is this generalized syntax:
{ (parameter: Type) -> Type in
// the symbol "in" separates the parameter(s) and return type
// from the closure body statements
// closure body...
// write your code statements here
// if a return type is required, then "return" something
It is possible that a closure will have one or more parameters. The function/method that hosts the closure will provide values when the closure is called/invoked.
It is also possible that a closure will return a value. Therefore, in the body of the closure, there will be one or more return
statements (depending on its logic). If the closure does not return a value, then we can omit the -> Type
The UIAlertAction
initializer documentation is here. Its declaration includes a handler
parameter, and its value is:
((UIAlertAction) -> Void)? = nil
Here’s how to interpret this:
object-> Type
if a closure is not provided or definedApple’s UIKit Catalog code example shows a few more typical use cases involving alerts and action sheets.
This code example is located in the “Templates and solutions” folder of the repo.
One that’s interesting is an alert that includes a text field, in which the user can provide content.
Another is an alert that has more than two buttons. In this situation, the buttons are vertically stacked, instead of side-by-side.
Finally, it shows how to implement alerts and action sheets on an iPad when using a “popover”.