DPS923 & MAP523

Mobile App Development for iOS

Notes Topics Weekly Resources Graded work Professor Code examples

DPS923 and MAP523 course outline addendum

The official DPS923 course outline is avalable at this School of SDDS web site link.

The official MAP523 course outline is avalable at this School of SDDS web site link.

The information below is the course outline addendum for the course.


For the Winter 2020 term, Professor Rania Arbash teaches the DPS923 and MAP523 course.

Info Details
Email rania.arbash -at-
Office In the School of SDDS office area
(A building, third floor)
Web (to be posted)
Timetable (to be posted)

Planned schedule of topics, tests, and assignments

The planned scheule of topics, tests, and assignments is available on the Weekly schedule page.

Other information

Please ensure that you are familiar with these course policies and standards.

In addition, please become familiar with these course standards.

Get help with course work

I am obviously available during our course time slots on Monday and Thursday.

During the Thursday class, I will have limited free time.

During the Monday class, I will have substantial free time. Mondays will be the best day to get one-on-one help from me.

I plan to have drop-in help time on (to be posted).

While I will be somewhat available by email at other times, I will prefer to be available for help during the days and times discussed above. I will not commit to being available 24×7.

This may become important to you if you are facing a deadline for the assignment submission, and you discover that you want my help on a day on which I am not available. I will almost certainly not be available. Therefore, you will be on your own, but you still must practice academic honesty. If you anticipate that this practice will be a problem for you, then set your own personal assignment due date deadline to better match my availability.