DPS923 & MAP523

Mobile App Development for iOS

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Web API interaction intro

The iOS SDK has classes that enable an app to interact with a web API. This document introduces you to the essential knowledge and techniques for fetching data from a web API, and materializing it in an app as Swift objects.

Another separate document will cover other interaction topics, including sending data to a web API.


You will recall a task in Assignment 1, where you fetched data, represented in JSON, from one of your GitHub repos, into your app, to display on a table view.

That task used a Data(contentsOf:) constructor. It was easy to understand, and easy to use:

Despite its apparent benefits, we will not use this technique any longer. Why?

Instead, we will use URLSession.

URL Loading System, URLSession, and URLSessionTask

In the iOS SDK, the “URL Loading System provides access to resources identified by URLs, using standard protocols like https. Loading is performed asynchronously, so your app can remain responsive…”

Follow the links to the Apple documentation.
Read/skim the contents, and remember to return in the future when needed.

The key component in the URL Loading System is an instance of the URLSession class. It is an “object that coordinates a group of related network data transfer tasks”.

A group? For now, let’s just focus on one - fetching data from a web API, and materializing it in an app as Swift objects.

For that, we will use a data task, which is an instance of URLSessionDataTask, which “send[s] and receive[s] data using Data objects. Data tasks are intended for short, often interactive requests to a server.” It “returns downloaded data directly to the app in memory.”

In our apps, for each interaction with a web API, we will create a task. The task lifetime is limited - a task gets created, it executes, handles the response, then is disposed of. For example, if we have an app that needs a collection of “customers” to display in a list (table view), one task will do that. Then, after a navigation interface “drill down” action, if we need a specific “customer”, a separate task will do that.

In summary:

How to implement

We need the following:

Let’s get started. We will do this - for now - in a table view controller in a new app that has a navigation interface. Create a function that will hold the logic. Then we can call the function from the controller’s viewDidLoad() method.

Open and study the code example from the repo.
It’s named W06a1FetchIntro.

URL to the web API resource

As you did in Assignment 1, store a JSON file on a publicly-accessible endpoint. Then get the URL string, and make a URL object.

let url = URL(string: "")!

Obviously, we must also know what the resource’s representation is. For most of our web API requests, we can assume JSON (which is content type “application/json”).

Data model classes

Study the data structure(s) in your JSON file. Then create classes that match. (For this simple fetch/GET example, we do not need an initializer.)

Data task object

Before continuing, read this Apple document:
Fetching Website Data Into Memory

Again, follow the links to the Apple documentation.
Read/skim the contents, and remember to return in the future when needed.

Create (define) a data task object.

let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
    // more to come

Notice a few things about this statement:

Then, as stated in the documentation, your completion handler needs to do three things:

  1. Verify that the error parameter is nil. If not, a transport error has occurred; handle the error and exit.
  2. Check the response parameter to verify that the status code indicates success and that the MIME type is an expected value. If not, handle the server error and exit.
  3. Use the data instance as needed.

The response parameter will ALWAYS be present.

For the other two, one will be nil:


1. Verify that the error parameter is nil

if let error = error {
  // handle, then...

2. Check the response parameter

We’re going to use a guard let:

guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
    else {
        // handle, then...

It’s possible that you haven’t seen a guard let before. It has one more feature when compared to an if let - it MUST include an else block, and return from that block.

It’s also possible that you haven’t seen two conditions in an if let (or now a guard let) before. It’s simply a way to have more than one condition as the test. Here, we have two conditions:

  1. The response object cannot be nil and must be an HTTPURLResponse type, and
  2. The HTTP response status code must be in the range 200 through 299 inclusive.

3. Use the data instance

We’re going to use an if let with three conditions, before we attempt to use the data instance:

if let mimeType = httpResponse.mimeType,
    mimeType.starts(with: "text/plain"),
    let data = data {
    // handle

What do we want to do with the incoming data? The answer to that completely determines our coding approach.

Here, we know that the data is a JSON resource, so we want to use a JSON decoder to help us. That gets wrapped in a do-try-catch block, as we have done before (when working with the file system).

Next, if it decodes correctly, we want to save the data (or some of it), in an instance variable. For example:

// Assuming "items" is an instance variable...
// We MUST use "self." when inside a closure
self.items =

Finally, we often use the fetched data in the user interface. Here, we want the data to display in the table view. Can we just call tableView.reloadData()?

Nope. Why? The data-fetching task, and its completion handler, execute on a background thread. The closure block must NOT attempt to call a method of a user interface object (i.e. the table view), which runs on the main thread.

How to fix? Get a reference to the threading system, specifically the main thread, and call the method from that block. For example:

DispatchQueue.main.async {

What does this mean?

From the docs, DispatchQueue is an object that manaes the execution of tasks on your app’s main thread or on a background thread.

From the docs, main is the dispatch queue associated with the main thread of the current process.

From the docs, async schedules a work item for immediate execution on the thread, and returns immediately.

Make it work

When a task object is defined, it does not execute. (Exactly the same behaviour as variable declaration, or function declaration. No surprise there.)

After the task object has been defined, we can call a method on it to execute it. The method:



We have just learned a pattern for making requests to a web API correctly and confidently.

We learned something about the URL Loading System and its classes. And, we learned the correct approach to coding a data task object, which is the building block for working with web APIs.